
7 Craziest Drugs You Might Not know about.

Growing up, we have always been told that drugs are really bad and will end up destroying your life, which is actually true. We have always been told about the side effects of various drugs like cocaine, meth, heroine, weed and MDMA. No doubt that these drugs are really dangerous but there are a lot of less known drugs which are even worse than  these famous ones, so through today's blog we will tell you about 7 drugs that you might not know about.

1. DOB (2-5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine)

Also known as brolamfetamine, it is a psychedelic drug. This drug is scheduled I, and used to calm up your nerves. While a person is under the influence of DOB, he feels quite calm and motivated. But as soon as the drug wears off the person might feel nausea and stomach cramps.the toxicity of DOB is not fully known, although high does may cause serious vesoconstriction of the extremities.

2. The devil's Breath(scopolamine)

Scopolamine often known by its street name the devil's breath, is found in South America and is quite famous with the Colombian criminals. It is recreationally used for its hallucinogenic properties, but the experiences are often physically and mentally unpleasant and dangerous, which is one of the main reason why it is not so popular. It is orderless and colourless powder and can be simply blown into a victim's face, making him do anything the criminal wants.  

3.  DiPT (Diisopropyltyptamine):

DiPT  is also a psychedelic hallucinogenic  drug of the tryptamine family that has a very unique effect. While majority of hallucinogens affect the visual sense, DiPT is primarily aural. It has been suggested that DiPT may have value to researchers of neurology due to its complex audio distorting effects. During the high a person may hear voices, the music sounds distorted and ringing in the ear that lasts up to two weeks.

4. Saffron:

This one might come as surprise to you but this orange yellow flower is known to have narcotic effects similar to those of the opium. Saffron is usually used as a food additive. It actually has an ancient history of use as a drug- the ancient Minoan used to drink a tea infusion of it to get high and the Persians and Greeks considered it in an aphrodisiac. There is also some evidence that saffron helps with major depressive disorder.

5. Bromo-DragonFLY:

It is psychedelic drug similar to the LSD, but instead of lasting for about 3 hours it lasts three days. It is considered an extremely potent hallucinogen, only slightly less potent than LSD. It is a very dangerous drug and can cause seizures, asphyxia, vomiting blood, spasm in your veins and can screw up your veins so bad that you might need an amputation. On October 3, 2009, a 22 year old male from Copenhagen, England died after ingesting Bromo-Dragonfly. His friend described the trip saying, "It was like being dragged to hell and back again. Many times. It is the most evil thing I have tried. It lasted an eternity. 

6. DDT

DDT(didchlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is a colourless, crystalline, tasteless and almost orderless organochloride known for its insecticidal properties. It has now been made illegal in many countries, and it can provide feelings somewhat like the Ecstasy. A popular cocktail was made during the '50s, called the Mickey Slim, by adding a small amount of DDT to the Gin. 

7. Etorphine:

Etorphine is a semi-synthetic opioid possessing an analgesic potency approximately 1000-3000 times that of morphine and is often used to immobilize Elephants and other large animals. This drug is so strong that even a touch with human skin will cause an overdose. It is available on the streets but is not very popular as the over dose can lead to death and people have a little safer alternatives like Heroine and Morphine. This drug has been used in popular series dexter, where he uses Etorphine to sedate his victims before killing them.

So, this was the list of the 7 craziest drugs you might have not heard about. These all drugs are highly dangerous and hope you don't try any of them. 


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